The Hinabi Project: The Art of Philippine Textiles

September 24 - October 11 Sep 24 at 10:00am to Oct 11 at 5:00pm
Asian Art Museum
200 Larkin St, San Francisco, California 94102
Celebrate the rich tradition of Philippine weavings and textiles through the Hinabi Project, an ongoing educational display in the museum’s Resource Center. In partnership with Philippine American Writers and Artists, Inc., the display presents the history and evolution of this unique fabric woven from pineapple leaf fibers. The Hinabi Project seeks to increase awareness of and appreciation for the exquisite and rich tradition of Philippine weavings and textiles. In addition, we hope to infuse pride among Filipinos and inspire them to rediscover their heritage as well as incorporate aspects of Filipino traditional fabrics in their modern lifestyle. Lastly, the project hopes to encourage weavers, embroiderers, and designers of traditional Filipino textiles to continue working on their crafts and thus maintain these traditions. Image credit: "Barong Up Close" by Paulo Ordoveza - Flickr: Barong Up Close. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -